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The Secularism on the Move (SOM) project brings together research in these four areas:

  • Qualitative

  • Quantitative

  • Media

  • Law


Our research objectives include:

  1. Documenting how secularism and laïcité are constructed in the Francophone world (2007-28) through discourse analysis of social and traditional media, parliamentary debates, legislation & court cases;

  2. Charting the movement of secular-focused media discourses and people from eight countries [France, French Switzerland, French Belgium, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal and Lebanon] to Québec;

  3. Connecting the ideas and the increasing secular migration of the lives of Francophone newcomers, expanding knowledge on secular migrants’ everyday lives and rituals, and their impact on diversity debates and secular legislation;

  4. Developing theorization to critique typologies of secularism and laïcité with less attention to nation-state or religion-focused models, with greater consideration to shared transnational politics of colonialism, language politics, race, and gender equality.


Our 2023-2024 research report is available here.

CRIDAQ Podcasts

In these three podcasts produced by the CRIDAQ, co-investigators of the Secularism on the Move project discuss the concept of laïcité, the regulation of religion in Quebec, and the role of Catholicism in Québécois society. The podcasts are available here:

Laïcité en mouvement_balado1_2024 copy.jpg
Annonce_Podcast3_6mars_2024 copy.jpg

We thank these funding agencies for their support of our research:

Funding Agencies

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)


Programme d’Appui à la Recherche, Secrétariat aux relations canadiennes, Québec


 Memorial University of NL:
- Bridge Funding &
- MUCEP (Memorial Undergraduate Career Experience Program)


CRIDAQ, Université de Québec à Montréal


York University

- Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE)

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